Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Okay, whoa. I'll confess that I only have a peripheral exposure to the world of current events - I'm not nearly as well-versed in the news. However, there are some things that even I am concerned about, and the abuse of 230 years worth of governmental convention by one man who seems like a real-world Nick Baylor is high-up on the list. In my naive ignorance, I generally have a neutral opinion of Vice President Dick Cheney, but if he's really refusing to comply with requests that the entire rest of the executive branch are bound to, that strikes me as being a Bad Thing(tm).

Here's something else that bothers me a little bit. My first knowledge of this news story came from a blog post by Jeffrey Rowland, author of the excellent webcomics Wigu and OverCompensating. It strikes me as a poignant comment that my most consistent source for current events comes not from Fox, not ABC, , certainly not the local newspaper, not MSNBC, NPR (but only because I rarely have a chance to listen to the radio), CNN, The Colbert Report, or NBC, but from a webcomic. What does it say about the state of things that I'm more likely to trust the words of an Internet personality than the combined expertise of some of the worlds largest news organizations?

Frankly, this doesn't seem like a good trend.

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