Friday, May 18, 2007

This is why I'll never work in Hollywood

I had what I think is a really fun idea for a movie this afternoon! Now, as a disclaimer, I guess I should make it clear that I said I think it was a fun idea, and I made no claims that it was a good idea. However, it was an idea nonetheless. =P

So, the movie's called "System Upgrade" and it's a near-future almost-scifi flick that takes place not long after AR has been introduced. The basic premise of the film is pretty typical - it would lie somewhere between your classic summer blockbuster hest flick, and your classic summer blockbuster actoin flick. Anyway, the main characters would probably be a group of college/grad school IT kids who are enamored with the new AR technology, as the wider world is creating more and more uses for AR (I bet it would be a fairly easy transition given the visual interface and user generated content-driven "Web 2.0) the kids are creating ways to make AR more "fun" - i.e., they want to crack it for hacking or something like that. In the process, they manage to uncover some sort of cyber-terror campaign to bring about the downfall of Apple (Microsoft would make more sense, in my opinion, but I think the audience would be more sympathetic toward Apple, plus I bet we could make beaucoup bucks on the side through endorsements and product placement deals!) and, being both adventurous and of noble spirit (as all young hackers are, of course), they decide it's their business to shut down the terrorists, especially since the FBI doesn't seem to know anything about the attack or believe the kids when they try to tell them! Crazy and expensive Lethal Weapon/Matrix/CSI special effects ensue.

The film would be released on a Tuesday (at a discounted ticket price, so that people won't get too pissed off) under the title "System Upgrade - Beta", and only the first half would show. On Wednesday, the movie would be "patched" so that something like 2/3 of the movie would be shown. On Thursday, another "patch" would be released, showing the entire movie up to the climactic final scenes. On Friday, the Final Version would be released, showing the entire movie, and with a "hidden scene" at the end of the credits (possible sequal tie-in? "Making of" special? Needs work).

...because if there's one thing the world needs more if, it's Tuesday updates. ( :


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