Thursday, May 31, 2007

Stream of Consciousness - Movies

Well, I finally got around to seeing Hot Fuzz. I won't go into a detailed review of it, 'cause I'm sure most of y'all who actually take the time to read what I have to say have either already seen it yourself, or intend to in the very near future, or have already been bombarded with "OMG wut a gr8 movie lol!!!!1" propaganda and whatnot. What I will say is that I thought it was superb the way the film transitioned from a "slice of life" flick to a murder mystery to a straight-up police action movie while still maintaining a thread of subtle (wry?) comedy throughout, as well as a fairly well-integrated message about the importance of loyalty, duty, and friendship. Inspirational messages? In a movie for adults? And it's got explosions? Keen!

I also finally saw Flushed Away at my sister's insistence, and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! She really sold me on the fact that it's set in London (where I lived for a while last year) and that I would probably recognize a lot of stuff in the movie, and so I agreed to watch it with her. I love how much little detail can be put into a CG (or animated) movie, and how smart it can be - in one scene, an oven falls over and hiding behind it is a cockroach reading Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. The film was also a lot better than I thought it would be, so I'd recommend it to anyone, even if you don't normally watch kids movies.

With luck, I'll have found someone to go see Pirates 3 with by the end of next week. I didn't want to go immediately to try to avoid some of the crowds, but also because I don't like going to the cinema by myself. I feel like movies should be social events (except for rentals. Rentals are okay to watch by yourself).

What disappointed me was that I borrowed and watched Blade Runner last night, and wasn't as impressed with it as I hoped I'd be. Maybe I'd have liked it better if I'd read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? first, but I didn't have that opportunity.

I'm convinced it's going to be a terrible movie, but I'm fantastically excited for the upcoming Transformers movie. I am not only able, but perfectly willing to forgive almost any transgressions this movie could make against cinematic quality, just so long as the robots in it look fantastic.

And that, I think for tonight, is that.


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