Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Joys of Being Sad *tear*

I know I've already shown this to some of you, but this amuses me to such a great extent that I wanted to re-share it. I'm sure purposely reading emo LiveJournal posts is probably indicative of some sort of neurosis.

Current mood: tired of life
Current music:radiohead - gagging order

Nobody Understands Me...
My dearest readers...

At first, I was going to make This, my LiveJournal Post, Friends-Only, But then I realized how Unfair such an Act would Be. Since my Friends, especially [info]swindlers_list and [info]2proud2liveordie, have all ready Given me So much support i wanted to take some of the Load off of their shoulders and Share my thoughts with Everybodie. For myslef, my Misery cannot be encapsulated in such a small container, and begs me to Share it with anyone who will Listen to my words. Perhaps one of you, My Dear readers, will be able to gather a spark of Wisdom and Happiness that will allow you to Succeed where i myself have Failed.

School is terrible. I am Failing calculus. I do not see How learning to take the Derivative of a number i care Nothing for is going to Help me in life. I am Not going to be a mathematician. This is the highest form of Oppression. the school and the Government are trying to fill our minds with Worthless drivel so that they can take Advantage of us because we Are like sheep to Them. I wish theachers would teach us Useful skills instead, like how to Talk to girls.

Speaking of girls, I saw My Angel in the lunchline again yesterday. the cafeteria was serving Salisberry steak and mashed potatos. I Hate the mashed potatos because they are Disgusting and the gravy is like slime from a disgusting Sewer. i did not eat the steak As i am a Vegan. All the awful things that happen at farms are Atrocious and we should hate anyone who would do such Awful things. I threw my Salisberry staek away because it was the Right thing to Do. I think everybodie should do this and Show those farmers that we will not stand for What they are doing and we mean Business.

I saw My Angel in the lunchline again yesterday. She had headphones on and was listening to Music.
[info]king_of_rags told me he heard what she was listening to and it was "I will follow you Into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie. I guess it's an okay song from them, but I didn't much like that Album and I think some of their earlier stuff is better (The Photo Album, yes?!?). Still, that just goes to show that My Angel has good taste in music, which makes her even More perfect than before. She is already beautiful and wonderful, and she's smart too. She is only 13 and is already in High School. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and i wrote a poem in english instead of diagramming sentences or whatever we were doing. I wasn't paying attention.

What is love?
Well, love is that feeling you get about someone
When they walk in the room
And your heart starts to race
And you feel lightheaded
And you're sweating WAY too much
And you can't think straight
Hardly thinking at all, so hope the teacher doesn't call on you
'Cause you can barely speak, let alone answer questions in Spanish

There's more but I didn't want to include it because the rest is very Personal to me.

That Brain-dead gorilla mike almost broke my glasses in gym again today. I'm starting to rhink that he's doing it on Purpose, but nobody either believes me or they don't care. Things will be so much better when i can leave home and I'm living in my own apartment. Then nobodie will make fun of me like I'm Less than a person. The joke is on him, though. In 10 years I will be successful and have a beautiful girlfriend who loves me, and I bet mike will still be working at the garage Changing oil for fat White men with their gas-guzzling SUVs. Then I will drive by every morning and laugh at him and point and then drive away before he can Do anything about it. The last Laugh is on you Mike.

O, i should probably tell you that I will not be posting again for a while. I have been grounded by my mother because she does not Understand that I have different needs than other people. I was IMing with DrAgOnStIgMaTa because he lives in my area and we were going to meet but my mom must have been reading over my shoulder and she said, "no, absolutely not. I will not let you do that." I tried to explain to her how I am an Otherkin, that I am actually a Vampyr and dont have a regular human soul and therefore I needed to spend time with other people like me instead of with humans who don't understand me. She said that was stupid and it was all in my head, and that I couldn't me a Vampyr because they are evil and she knew that couldn't be the case because I was her Child. I told her that if that was the case then maybe I was a Vampyr because I inherited her own black soul. Then she started to yell at me and
grounded me and said that I couldn't use the internet or the phone or watch TV or anything, and that if she caught me talking to "that man" any more (DrAgOnStIgMaTa) then she would call the police on him. That is a load of Crap, because I know that DrAgOnStIgMaTa is not a rapist or a child molester. He is an Otherkin like me (except that he has a part-dragon part-lupine part-eagle soul), and he seems to know a lot about it. He is very Wise.

For those of you who might not remember, or have been gone for a Long time, I would like to remind you that I am an Otherkin. I may look like a Human, but I do not have a Human soul. My soul is that of a Vampyr and it is a very Old soul. I used some candles to do a Magick spell of Divination and discovered that my Vampyr soul is 273 years old and has dwelled within many other Bodies as well, including Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickenson. It is a very respected Vampyr soul.

It is after Midnight now, though, and I have to go. I snuck on-line after my parents went to bed and if they find me posting on my LiveJournal they will be very mad at me and maybe ground me longer. Also, they would know about my LiveJournal and read all my Secrets, and I don't want my parents to know how many difficulties I face. The more normal they think I am, the better it is for them. I won't have to worry about this when I finally move out. Wish me good karma so I can hopefully get un-Grounded faster. I don't want to leave all of my Readers in suspense!



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