Monday, August 24, 2009

I made this!

Tonight, under the expert tutelage of KB, one of my dear friends, I learned how to knit! Well, I say I learned how to knit, but really all I got out of it was a crash course in the basic mechanics. I feel like I've got a ways to go before I can even call myself "proficient", let alone anything so daring as "good"!

...And I'm sure any experienced knitters out there will agree with me. ;-P

Anywho, along with the embarrassment of "I can't believe how terrible this looks!" is a personal pride in the act of creation. Or maybe it's vanity? Either way, here's a photo! Don't you think it looks like California? I do!

Once I get settled into my semester and can get some stuff together, I'm going to keep working at it and try to become better! Thanks for lending me your supplies, your time, and your patience, KB!


naiadkitty said...

Yay! Yeah, you've got some beginnerness going on there, but everyone does that! Really, knitting is so easy once you get the hang of it! Only two stitches to learn! (haha! Remind me to show you my fair project on Friday, if you're going!)

Fl0w3r Ch1ld said...

I'll be there! Can't wait to see what you'll have to show me!