Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vacation post 5: Missed Connections

"I've actually tried to be very careful this week; I do sunburn very easily, so I've been making sure to cover up sufficiently, limit my time in direct sunlight, and put on sunscreen (which I absolutely despise having to wear) if I'm going to be out for a prolonged time. So far, so good! We'll see if I can keep it up for the rest of the week. ( ;"

Well, this shouldn't be much of a problem after all! Yesterday some thunderstorms came in about mid-afternoon, and "suggested" that we should go back inside for the day. Things cleared up by evening, and we went out for a VERY nice seafood dinner at a place called The Fish House. That place was delicious! And it was a very good deal for seafood as well. Seafood is normally well out of my price range, so it's a lovely treat to be able to get a seafood dinner at the beach! Since I haven't been to the beach in some time, I bet you can imagine how long it's been since I last had "real" seafood (Long John Silver doesn't count, naturally)! Anyhow, The Fish House was about as expensive as I expected it to be (actually a bit more than I'd expected, but considering how the price of food items has risen in the past few years I'm pretty sure it was still reasonable), but what surprised me was the food! For the price we ended up paying, I got time-and-a-half as much food as I was expecting! And it was very, VERY delicious. I got a plate with shrimp and broiled scallops, and it may have been one of the most delicious meals I've ever eaten.

The busboy(?) at the restaurant also caught my attention. She(!!!) was extraordinarily cute, in an understated sort of way. Her features were such that she looked like she was smiling even when she wasn't, and when she did smile (at one point during the salad course she came over to our table to give us tableware and napkins, apparently having forgotten that she'd already done it about 10-15 minutes before. When we realized what was happening, she and I and mum all broke into one of those "this is going to be a funny story tomorrow, but since I don't know you it all just feels awkward" laughs) it was positively dazzling.

...And so naturally mum had to go and ruin it all by saying I should flirt with her. Maybe it's just me, but there are few things I find more disconcerting than having my MOTHER telling me to try to make a move on someone. Either she really wants me to start dating again for some reason I can't fathom, or this is part of some all-too-subtle plan to ensure that I never date again! :D

Lil sis joined me in my walk to the pier last night, and although thunderstorms had come in earlier in the day, the sky was almost clear by the time the sun set. The stars over the ocean were absolutely beautiful. And while it would be my habit to go off on a semi-coherent ramble about the stars at this point, there's something much more exciting to talk about sea turtles! Now, we didn't actually get to see any, but as we were walking toward the pier, we came to a point where there were about a dozen points of light and the silhouettes of even more people standing at a point toward the top of the beach. Curious about what was going on, I went up there to find out what was going on, and the people were standing around a sea turtle nest where a bunch of baby turtles had hatched! Unfortunately, we missed the main thrust of them...apparently most of the nest had successfully migrated to the sea about a half-hour before we got there, but there was one turtle left in the next. It must have been the runt of the litter, because it was having all sorts of trouble getting out of the next. We stayed around and watched for a few minutes before deciding to continue our walk; we decided we'd come back and check on the sea turtle's progress on our way back to the house. Sadly, even though we finished our walk and started to come back, nothing new had happened, and most of the crowd had dispersed. Maybe tomorrow night (which would be tonight) I remember one of the people there saying (there were a couple people there who were trained to work with sea turtles. I can't remember the name of their organization, or I'd totally give them a shout-out and a link to their website when I get back to the Internet!). They also pointed out another nest not even 10 yards away! This one was closer to the water's edge and, according to the people there, the nest had been created only about a week before. I don't know how long it takes sea turtle eggs to hatch, but how exciting would it be if this nest hatched while we were at the beach as well? Baby sea turtles!

And when I woke up this morning, it was thunderstorming again. It's amazing how different the ocean looks like that. The sky and water both are a steely gray, and instead of the severe slash that separates air from water the horizon blurs so you can't tell at all where one ends and the other begins. [insert poetic reference to the majesty of being utterly surrounded by the elements here]

I don't think we have any set plans for today. Maybe if the weather clears up by afternoon, lil sis and I will finally go out and try to fly our kite, or build a sand-sculpture (so far we have heavy lobbying for "giant ghost crab" from mum), and if it doesn't I reckon it will just be a lazy day around the house!

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