Saturday, August 22, 2009

"I don't know whether..."

Today would have been a good day to sleep in! When I got up a few hours ago, it was very grim and overcast. Now the sky is absolutely dumping down rain...and I'm about to have to leave the house! Ah well, such is the price for commitment to a job! Well, to be honest, it's more to the money the job provides than to the job itself. As anyone whom I've talked to recently can probably tell you, things have gone from "moderately frustrating" to "why the hell do I work here again?" over the past month or two. Still, that's where I work, and that won't change until I can get another job lined up!

But That's been a big concern of mine, especially recently. Between tuition, student loans, and this semester's textbooks, not to mention gas for the commute to Durham, it's going to be very hard to save up any free cash for myself. I don't know how I'm going to save up for the Renaissance Festival in October! I need to figure something out. Fortunately I still have a month and a half!

Off to work now. Have a good (although maybe wet!) weekend!


naiadkitty said...

Oh, my! I didn't realize you would be commuting all the way to Durham for school! How many days a week is that? That's crazy!

Fl0w3r Ch1ld said...

I'm doing 2 of my classes online, so right now I only have to commute on Wednesdays. I have a suspicion I'll be going more often by the end of the semester, though! That's the way things always seem to go. =P