Friday, October 19, 2007

Second-Best Capitol in the English-Speaking World

I just got back from Washington DC yesterday, and I will have photos up on Facebook as soon as I remember and am motivated to do so. There are certain things you will NOT see photographs of, for a variety of reasons.

Things you will not see:
- The Tragic Trashcan (a trashcan with the word "tragic" painted on it)
- the giant "Giant Foods" food sign
- A good picture of the Lincoln Memorial and the moon.
- Any of the time I got to hang out with Krista (I forgot my camera that evening!)
- The scenery from the rooftop of the hotel we stayed in.
- The guy at the National Cathedral who was trying to point out Jackson Brown to me, but forgot his name.
- Ben and Brody, the two rock-awesome guides we had on our evening walking tour of DC.
- The Magna Carta (because it's in England. But I've seen it!)

Also lots of other things, but most of those are irrelevant, like penguins ice dancing with cacti in an American Gladiators ring (which is something I didn't see, unless it was in a dream).

I kind of want my own Tragic Trashcan...


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