Friday, November 5, 2010

This dream brought to you by Marvel and La Alianza de Liberación

Another curious dream last night.

Deep in a hidden valley in the Colombian Andes, a fenced compound houses the few-dozen members of La Alianza de Liberación (The Liberation Alliance), a revolutionary group attempting to overthrow the Colombian drug lords and restore liberty and order to their country. They are like David trying to take on a mighty Goliath, and so they have not acted yet, but between secret shipments of supplies from the U.S. government and the support of Ironman, they are growing more bold.

Not all is well, however. The drug lords have begun to notice that Ironman has been uncommonly active in their country, and are trying to find out what's going on. It's only a matter of time before La Alianza's hideout is discovered.

One day, after Ironman has left the compound after meeting with La Alianza's leaders, some strangers arrive at the compound. Two young men in a beat-up old pickup truck arrive at the gates, asking for work. The leader, suspicious, says that they may paint the gate in return for some food, but can only paint the outside and may not come inside the compound. They apparently do such a good job that the leader asks if they can come back and paint the compound's other gate as well. Then the following exchange takes place.

((This is not a direct transcript of the conversation between the leader and the painters. With the exception of Ironman, every character spoke Spanish, which is weird and cool because I studied it for a while but I'm not anywhere close to fluent. I could follow the conversations with a little trouble, but I couldn't recite or translate them verbatim. Also, it was a dream.))

"You did a very good job!"
"Thank you. We have been looking for work for a long time, but no one will hire us."
"Would you like to come back next week and paint the other gate?"
The two painters talk between themselves for a moment. "We don't know. We thought we saw Ironman as we were driving around. Is that true?"
"...Yes, Ironman has been here."
"We do not feel safe. What if he attacks us?"
"I will keep him on the opposite side of the compound!"
"We still won't do it. We have seen how he can shoot from his hands. It could even break through the fence."
"If you must, you can return at a time he is not here."

The painters, after a moment's deliberation, agree to this and go on their way. The leader returns to the compound to examine the most recent air-drop from the United States. Automatic weapons, ammunition, and rations. Little does he know that the painters were actually cartel spies, who now not only know where the La Alianza's compound is, but that Ironman is their ally, and that he is not there.

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