Monday, February 15, 2010

Life, the universe, and everything

It's nice having a few moments to breathe now. Last week was kind of rocky getting back into a regular schedule in the aftermath of WTH!?Con at Guilford College, but in spite of the incredible amount of investment I end up putting into the convention every year (and it's all self-imposed. I'm in no position of authority, so I don't actually have a reason to invest myself into the Con as much as I do...but for some reason I am absolutely committed to making it the best experience I can, in what few ways I am able, for everyone involved) I had an absolute blast! The charity Geek Auction was a smash hit, and from the last figures I heard, almost $700 were raised to be donated to Child's Play! Way to go, guys! I was in the auction, as I am every year, but this time I took a drastically different approach than in years past. Gone were Ren Faire garb and medieval-themed raps from years past (although I'll admit that I was loathe to give up the "rapping bard" bit - even if no one else likes it, I have so much fun with it!), and in it's place were a smart sweater vest and a towel...that's right! I went up for auction as Ford Prefect from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy universe! It was a tremendous amount of fun, especially considering that I had the full endorsement of the emcees and auctioneers!

As always, the convention was a chance to reconnect with friends I haven't seen in a long time, and to make some new acquaintances as well! I was especially pleased to get to meet Alan Welsh of Reverie Realm, and also the fine people from Chained Elegance!

There are plenty of other things I wanted to say about the convention, the people there, and the week since then, but I've got to leave for work in 10 minutes so I'll have to pick up where I left off later!

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