Friday, January 11, 2008

Magic: The Gathering - Junk Diver

A wacky format I wanted to run by my Magic-playing comrades.

Junk Diver

Number of Players: 2 or more
The Gist: Make your opponent play the worst deck you can build.
The Rules: While the theme of this variant is to make everyone play the worst junk possible, the keyword is "play"; the decks need to be playable, so there are some deckbuilding guidelines.
Each deck should contain exactly 60 cards. With the exception of basic lands, you may not play more than one copy of any card. Speaking of which, this deck needs to contain exactly 25 basic lands - five of each type - no more, no less.
Each deck must have 20 creatures that attack for some damage - no "all wall" decks. Landhome creatures are also banned. All your creatures must have combined power of at least 40, so you won't be able to build a deck filled with nothing but 1/1s.
To make sure the deck has a fighting chance, five cards should be dedicated to creature removal. Good examples are Terror, Lightning Bolt and Soul Burn. These don't need to be great, but - in the spirit of fair play - each should remove a creature without too much hassle. This leaves the deck with 10 card slots to be filled with whatever you desire. Gems like Great Wall, Camel, and Avoid Fate work best. Really scrape the bottom of the barrel. Here's your chance to put Sorrow's Path in a deck!
Once the decks are built, distribute them among players randomly. Who will reign as the cream of the crap?
Ideal Decks: Just about anything your twisted minds can think of.
The Verdict: It's all about the player, not his tools. Which MacGyver among you can turn your peashooter into a bazooka?

I think I've already mentioned this format to David L., and maybe to Paul, but here it is for the rest of you! I want to play a huge Junk Diver game sometime before the end of the month!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Preludes & Nocturnes

I'm not really a big comic book reader. I'm sure almost anyone who knows me will rightly tell you that almost all my knowledge about comic book characters and superheroes comes from the movies or from second-hand smoke exposure. So, consider it a capital-B capital-D Big Deal that I hunkered down under a blanket on the living room couch this morning and read the first volume of Sandman.

In spite of whatever Jerry (just teasing, Jerry!) may have to say about it being mainstream and trite, I rather liked it. I look forward to reading the next volume sometime.

Winter break is breaking my mind. I haven't gotten to bed before 3:30 am since Christmas day, and I haven't known the day of the week since...well, since Christmas day! (which was on a Tuesday. I remember because that struck me as being a weird day for a Christmas).

That is all.