Friday, August 17, 2007

Red World

Here's an idea for a game that, with a little cooperation, a moderate amount of luck, and a LOT of planning, I'll be running (or co-running) a campaign - probably a d20 campaign since the system is so ubiquitous - based loosely on an idea I've been mulling around in my head since before I even started playing tabletops, back when I fancied myself something of a creative writer.

The setting is the Red World - a hostile world inhabited by violent and warlike cultures. For those of you who are "in the know", take 2 parts Dune, 2 part Warhammer 40,000, and 1 part classic D&D, and you've just about got the idea of what the setting's like.

I haven't made any final decisions about details, and since there's a decent chance I'll be co-running this game with Shope, a good friend and an excellent GM, there are a LOT of details that need to be hammered out. If we can work things out, though, I hope to make the campaign fast, deadly, and big. With 2 GMs running the board, we may be able to cater to a larger group of PCs, and maybe even dabble in "unit" combat (which is something I've wanted to experiment with for a little while). Unless ideas change drastically during planning sessions, PCs should expect no mercy.

The biggest complication to this idea will be my on-going quest to get into grad school, and my involvement in the SOF game. If those, along with my classes and work schedule, can be worked out, then this game will be go. In that case, expect an official YC announcement sometime fall semester, hopefully before fall break.

More details to come later.


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