Sunday, September 23, 2007

They just got even scarier...


I don't think I ever want to leave my room again. Flying raptors?

...There is no more hope in the world. *cowers*



What is essentially my favourite pair of jeans now has a massive hole in the back. I had a little frayed area in the corner of the left-rear pocket, and one night as I was bending down to push something back under my bed, it completely gave out and tore. I now have an impressive rip running just a little over the entire length of that rear pocket - probably 5-6 inches from end to end.

It's something that I'm sure I could patch, given time and materials, but even if I did, it simply wouldn't suffice in all situations. Sometime this week (I have no idea when I'll be able to), I need to go shopping for a new pair of jeans.

Exciting, no? :P